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This page provides a brief description of the Trova na Palora tool, which allows you to search for words or phrases within the poems and proverbs of the Chiù dâ Palora dictionary entries. You can also search the entries by author (poet) and by title of the poem.
The tool provides an easy way to find example sentences for over 2500 Sicilian words.
To increase the number of search results, searches are not sensitive to case, accent, apostrophe or punctuation. The only rule is that at least one search word must contain four or more letters.
Multiple-word searches are treated as a search for a phrase. So to broaden your search results, search for a single word. Or to narrow your search results, search for a phrase.
For example, a search for "mari" (a single word) returns more results than a search for "lu mari" (a phrase).
You can also search by author (poet) or title. For example, to search for poems by Gnazziu Buttitta, just search for: "buttitta." Or to search for poems with the word "lingua," just search for: "lingua."
Searching by both word and author narrows your results. And in general, the more you search for, the narrower your results will be. Searching by both word and title also narrows your results. And searching by word, title and author narrows your results even more.
Narrowing the search results is only required when searching for proverbs in Nicotra's (1883) dictionary. All other searches can be as broad or as narrow as you wish.
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