A good dictionary of the Sicilian language should be more than a simple vocabulary list. It should provide information about grammar. And it should contain examples from poetry, proverbs and prose.
To seed the project, I used Arthur Dieli's vocabulary lists to create a basic dictionary. Dr. Dieli's work was one of the first Sicilian vocabulary lists on the internet. It contains over 12,000 Sicilian words and phrases, part of speech and translations into English and Italian.
To write the Sicilian language, I created the set of Perl hashes described below. The Chiù dâ Palora tool uses those hashes to conjugate Sicilian verbs and to create the singular and plural forms of nouns and adjectives. The tool is based on the grammar rules listed in Kirk Bonner's Introduction.
The structure is flexible, so if there is interest, we could include other information too. For example: related words, learner examples, usage notes and etymology.
To write a Perl hash for each Sicilian word, the Aiùtami! tool asks visitors for grammatical information about each word and to contribute poetry or proverbs for each word.
Finally, if we can write a dictionary of the Sicilian language, we can write a dictionary of any language, so I hope that this project will also be useful to people outside of the Sicilian community.
Below is a description of the information that I am collecting on each Sicilian word and how I am storing that information. Following the description is a slightly more formal specification of the information collected.
Some people learn a language by creating an index card for each word that they learn. The Perl hashes that we're creating here are similar to that index card. For the preposition dintra, I created this "index card:"
%{ $vnotes{"dintra_prep"} } = (
display_as => "dintra",
dieli => ["dintra"],
dieli_en => ["inside","into","within",],
dieli_it => ["dentro","dentro a","in",],
proverb => ["Dintra nu biccheri d'acqua t'anniasti. (Rapisarda)",],
part_speech => "prep",
For invariant words (like dintra), a simple index card like this -- with part of speech, translations and a Sicilian proverb -- may be sufficient for most learners.
But other parts of speech are more complex. Verbs, in particular, can be quite complex, so I am also including information that enables the computer to automatically conjugate each verb.
For that task, we want to give the computer the least amount of information necessary to do the job properly.
Specifically, we do not want to tell the computer what the conjugation is. We want the computer to create the conjugations for us, so that (one day in the future) we can ask the computer to provide a conjugation for each dialect of the Sicilian language.
Fortunately, there are very few irregular verbs in the Sicilian language and the irregularities that do exist are few. For example, after accounting for boot and stem patterns, the verb jiri only has four irregular forms -- the infinitive and three in the present tense (the first-person singular, third-person singular and third-person plural), so we might create the following hash:
%{ $vnotes{"jiri"} } = (
dieli => ["iri"],
dieli_en => ["go",],
dieli_it => ["andare",],
notex => ["Vaju a accattu li scarpi.",
"Jemu a accattari li scarpi.",],
part_speech => "verb",
verb => {
conj => "xxiri",
stem => "j",
boot => "va",
irrg => {
inf => "jiri",
pri => { us => "vaju", ts => "va", tp => "vannu" },
Similarly, the verb mèttiri only has a few irregular forms -- the past participle and four in the past tense:
%{ $vnotes{"mèttiri"} } = (
dieli => ["mettiri"],
dieli_en => ["place","put","start",],
dieli_it => ["porre","mettere",],
part_speech => "verb",
verb => {
conj => "xxiri",
stem => "mitt",
boot => "mètt",
irrg => {
pai => { quad => "mìs" },
pap => "misu",
adj => "misu",
But many verbs are built by adding a prefix to the verb mèttiri, so we can conjugate the reflexive verb intromèttirisi by creating a hidden hash of intromèttiri:
%{ $vnotes{"intromèttiri"} } = (
hide => 1,
part_speech => "verb",
prepend => { prep => "intro", verb => "mèttiri", },
and then identifying the verb intromèttirisi as a reflexive form of intromèttiri:
%{ $vnotes{"intromèttirisi"} } = (
dieli => ["intromettirisi"],
dieli_en => ["interfere in",],
dieli_it => ["intromettersi in",],
part_speech => "verb",
reflex => "intromèttiri",
The tables below list the information that I am collecting in the hashes. The first lists information that may be included for all parts of speech. The tables below it list additional information required for verbs, nouns and adjectives.
hash key | type | description |
dieli | array | list of forms found in Dr. Dieli's dictionary |
dieli_en | array | Dr. Dieli's translations into English |
dieli_it | array | Dr. Dieli's translations into Italian |
display_as | scalar | text to display when not using hash key (e.g. vìviri and vìviri need different hash keys) |
hide | scalar | indicator to not display the word in the main list |
poetry | array | examples from Sicilian poetry |
prose | array | examples from Sicilian prose |
proverb | array | examples from Sicilian proverbs |
usage | array | usage notes for learners |
notex | array | examples for learners |
part_speech | scalar | part of speech -- verb, noun, adj, adv, prep, pron, conj |
noun | hash | information to decline the noun, see below |
adj | hash | information to decline the adjective, see below |
verb | hash | information to conjugate the verb, see below |
prepend | hash | information to conjugate by adding a prefix to another verb, where verb points to the hash key of the other verb |
reflex | scalar | hash key of the non-reflexive verb |
The additional information to include for verbs, nouns and adjectives is described in the tables below.
hash key | type | description |
conj | scalar |
which conjugation to use:
xxari, xcari, xgari, xiari, ciari, giari, xxiri, xciri, xgiri, xhiri, xsiri, sciri |
stem | scalar | "stem" of the verb |
boot | scalar | "boot" of the verb |
irrg | hash | information on the irregular forms |
inf | scalar | irregular infinitive |
pri | hash | irregular present indicative forms |
pim | hash | irregular imperative forms |
pai | hash | irregular preterite forms, when appropriate, use quad for convenience |
imi | hash | irregular imperfect indicative forms |
ims | hash | irregular imperfect subjunctive forms |
fti | hash | irregular future forms, when appropriate, use stem for convenience |
coi | hash | irregular conditional forms, when appropriate, use stem for convenience |
ger | scalar | irregular gerund |
pap | scalar | irregular past participle |
adj | scalar | irregular adjective |
inf | scalar | irregular infinitive |
Sicilian has two verb conjugations ("-ari" and "-iri"), which I have split into twelve subconjugations, so that the verb stems pair properly with the verb endings.
For example:
%{ $vnotes{"dari"} } = (
dieli => ["dari"],
dieli_en => ["award","give","pass",],
dieli_it => ["aggiudicare","dare",],
part_speech => "verb",
verb => {
conj => "xxari",
stem => "d",
boot => "dùn",
irrg => {
pri => { us => "dugnu", },
pim => { ds => "da", },
pai => { quad => "dètt" },
fti => { stem => "dar" },
coi => { stem => "dar" },
hash key | type | description |
gender | scalar | gender of the noun -- mas, fem, both, mpl, fpl |
plend | scalar | noun pattern -- xi, xixa, xa, xura, xx, eddu, aru, uni, uri |
plural | scalar | irregular plural form |
Most Sicilian nouns are either masculine or feminine, but some nouns (e.g. "atleta" and "dentista") are both masculine and feminine. Some nouns have no plural (e.g. "l'Italia"), others are only plural (e.g. "li Stati Uniti"). Use the noun patterns below.
plend | pattern |
xi | plural in "-i" |
xixa | plural in either "-i" or "-a" |
xa | plural in "-a" |
xura | plural in either "-ura" or "-i" |
xx | no change (foreign word) |
eddu | "-eddu" to "-edda" |
aru | "-aru" to "-ara" |
uni | "-uni" to "-una" |
uri | "-uri" to "-ura" |
nopl | no plural form, only singular |
ispl | is plural, no singular form |
For example:
%{ $vnotes{"prufissuri_noun"} } = (
display_as => "prufissuri",
dieli => ["prufissuri"],
dieli_en => ["professor", "teacher",],
dieli_it => ["professore",],
part_speech => "noun",
noun => {
gender => "mas",
plend => "uri",
%{ $vnotes{"genituri_noun"} } = (
display_as => "genituri",
dieli => ["genituri",],
dieli_en => ["parents",],
dieli_it => ["genitori",],
part_speech => "noun",
noun => {
gender => "mpl",
plend => "ispl",
hash key | type | description |
invariant | scalar | indicator that the adjective is invariant |
femsi | scalar | feminine singular form |
plural | scalar | plural form |
may_precede | scalar | indicator that the adjective may precede the noun |
massi_precede | scalar | masculine singular form when preceding the noun |
phrase | scalar | indicator for an adjective phrase |
Most Sicilian adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun that they are modifying, but some are invariant (e.g. "megghiu"). Others only change in the feminine singular form (e.g. "giùvini"). Most Sicilian adjectives follow the noun that they are modifying, but some may precede the noun.
For example:
%{ $vnotes{"bonu"} } = (
dieli => ["bonu"],
dieli_en => ["fair","good","nice",],
dieli_it => ["buono",],
notex => ["lu bon senzu","la bona cosa",],
part_speech => "adj",
adj => {
may_precede => 1,
massi_precede => "bon",
%{ $vnotes{"megghiu_adj"} } = (
display_as => "megghiu",
dieli => ["megghiu","u megghiu",],
dieli_en => ["better","superior",],
dieli_it => ["migliore","meglio", "maggiore",],
notex => ["La megghiu cosa è di lassari tuttu com'è.",],
part_speech => "adj",
adj => {
invariant => 1,
may_precede => 1,
%{ $vnotes{"giùvini_adj"} } = (
display_as => "giùvini",
dieli => ["giuvini","giuvina",],
dieli_en => ["young boy","young girl",],
dieli_it => ["giovanotto","giovanotta",],
part_speech => "adj",
adj => {
femsi => "giùvina",
may_precede => 1,
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