Come to Napizia

Sicilianu English

once upon a time

Napizia was a mythical center of learning founded by the Phocaeans in Magna Graecia. The engineers who studied science and mathematics at Napizia built ships that sailed the Mediterranean and temples that you can still visit today.

Over time, the city continued to attract scholars from around the world, so as you stroll the streets of Napizia today, you will hear many languages.

The townspeople here know Italian and English, but they prefer to speak Napitinu, a Calabrese dialect of the Sicilian language, which we are recording in a dictionary and translator.

an invitation

You can translate whole sentences from English into Sicilian with the Tradutturi Sicilianu that we're developing. It will give you a good sense of the language.

To increase your vocabulary, you can read Napizia Magazine, look up words in the Dieli Dictionary and follow the links to the Chiù dâ Palora pages, which annotate with grammar and examples drawn from poetry, proverbs and prose. Then search our collection with our Trova na Palora tool.

We hope you like our project. If you would like to contact us, please send an email to: We await you in Napizia!

Pizzo Calabro

Pizzo Calabro

The photos on this website were taken on location in Pizzo Calabro, the present-day site of Ancient Napizia.

We hope our photos reflect the warmth and hospitality of the Napitini and our admiration of their civic pride. The photos on this website are beautiful because they love their city.

Copyright © 2018-2025 Eryk Wdowiak