Browser Search

This website provides OpenSearch plugins, so that you can search the Dieli dictionary from the search bar in Mozilla Firefox. This page shows how to install them on desktop and mobile devices.

Google Chrome does not have a search bar, so this page also explains how to add Dieli dictionary searches to Chrome's address bar.

Mozilla Firefox Desktop

Step 1: select Preferences

Step 1: select Preferences

By default, Mozilla Firefox merges its address bar and search bar, so we first have to separate them. To do that, open the "hamburger" menu in the upper right corner and select "Preferences."

Step 2: select Search

Step 2: select Search

From the main preferences menu page, select "Search."

Step 3: add search bar in toolbar

Step 3: add search bar in toolbar

At the top of the search preferences page, select the option to "add search bar in toolbar." This separates the address bar from the search bar.

Step 4: add search plugins

Step 4: add search plugins

Return to the Dieli dictionary page and select the search plugins that you would like to install.

Optionally, you could also use a userChrome.css file to display the search plugin names as a vertical list. For that purpose, you could use the style builder by Jefferson Scher.

Step 5: search for a word

Step 5: search for a word

With the search plugins installed, you can now search from Firefox's search bar.

To change the default search engine, click in the search bar then use the keyboard combinations Ctrl+Down arrow and Ctrl+Up arrow to select your preference.

Step 6: get translations

Step 6: get translations

Your search goes straight to the Dieli dictionary and results are shown on the page.

Mozilla Firefox Phone

Step 1: open the triple dot menu

Step 1: open the triple dot menu

To add the search plugins to Mozilla Firefox on mobile devices, first go to the Dieli dictionary page, then open the "triple dot" menu in the upper right corner and select "Page."

Step 2: select Page

Step 2: select Page

In the triple dot menu, select the "Page" option.

Step 3: Add a Search Engine

Step 3: Add a Search Engine

Select the option to add a search engine.

Step 4: select dictionary

Step 4: select dictionary

Select the search engines that you would like to add.

Step 5: search for a word

Step 5: search for a word

With the search plugins installed, you can now search from Firefox's address bar.

Step 6: get translations

Step 6: get translations

Your search goes straight to the Dieli dictionary and results are shown on the page.

Google Chrome

Step 1: select Settings

Step 1: select Settings

Google Chrome searches from the address bar, so we need to edit the address bar. To do that, open the "triple dot" menu in the upper right corner and select "Settings."

Step 2: reveal the Settings menu

Step 2: reveal the Settings menu

Open the "hamburger" menu in the upper-left corner to reveal the full Settings menu.

Step 3: select Search engine

Step 3: select Search engine

From the Settings menu, select "Search engine."

Step 4: Manage search engines

Step 4: Manage search engines

From the search engine menu, go to the "manage search engines" page.

Step 5: add Other search engines

Step 5: add Other search engines

At the bottom of the page, press the "Add" button to manually enter a list of search engines.

Step 6: add search engines

Step 6: add search engines

For each search engine that you would like to add, provide its name, a search keyword and the query URL. Below is a list of search engines that you can add.

Search engine Keyword
EN-SC Dieli Dictionary ensc
IT-SC Dieli Dictionary itsc
SC-EN Dieli Dictionary scen
SC-IT Dieli Dictionary scit
Trova na Palora trova
Step 7: all four Dieli searches

Step 7: all four Dieli searches

I added a search engine for each language pair.

Step 8: type keyword into the address bar

Step 8: type keyword into the address bar

With the listed search engines, you can now search from Chrome's address bar. To begin, type a search engine's keyword into the address bar.

For example, type "scen" to translate from Sicilian to English, then press the "Tab" key.

Step 9: search for a word

Step 9: search for a word

Now that the address bar has selected a search engine, type in a word to translate, then press the "Enter" key.

Step 20: get translations

Step 10: get translations

Your search goes straight to the Dieli dictionary and results are shown on the page.

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